Cash & Liquidity Management
Generally a bank will utilise a number of systems to comply with the regulatory requirements and Predict can be an important component in this process. Real Time updates from reconciled internal and external sources, presented in a clear, user-friendly format allowing a bank to have a clear picture of its intra day exposure.
Previously held long balances can be reduced to acceptable credit levels, short balances, an expensive alternative, can be funded at more appropriate times of the day.

Predict helps to address the six operational elements that should be included in a banks strategy for managing intraday liquidity risk. (See Appendix B for Principle 8 of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) publication Principles for Sound Liquidity Risk Management Supervision.
Best Practice requires:
A company-wide view of cash & liquidity
Real time or timely information
Better use of balances
Regulatory Reporting
Manage daylight overdraft restrictions and enhance control of operations costs
Reduce oversized liquidity buffers
Avoid overdraft and penalty charges
In order to fully utilise available funds and maximize investment opportunities, institutions need an efficient and accurate method of calculating their intra-day cash positions and projected balances.
Cash flows result from a multitude of sources, spanning many business lines, such as treasury, securities and payments, and nowadays the trend to consolidate operations and business processes means a greater challenge to the industry.
With Predict, Front Office & Treasury Departments have a global, consolidated real-time view of all cash and liquidity positions for both Actual and Forecast balances, supporting optimal investment and lending opportunities based on real-time data.
Multiple real-time monitors provide a complete overview of your positions broken down at various levels such as currency, account, book or individual transactions.
Predict enables Front Office and Treasury Depts. to have a real time cash and liquidity operation, with Actual vs Forecasted cash flow.
Real-time intra-day reconciliation means exceptions can be highlighted and resolved on the same day, minimising the potential for operational loss or damage to reputation.
Also, The ‘Workflow Control’ monitor provides an overview of work in progress and highlights items requiring user attention based on user-defined scenarios such as ‘min balance breach’, ‘low settlement delivery’, etc.
The Predict Intra-day Liquidity Monitor enables you to actively manage all Intra-day liquidity positions under both normal and stressed conditions defined by users.
Sweeping allows minor nostros to be economically funded and gives control over large balance swings in major nostros
Replace legacy technologies
Transaction life cycle
Liquidity testing and analysis in line with regulatory compliance
Intra day balance visibility – Front office & Treasury Depts. Have a global, consolidated view
Predicted versus Actual
System & Transaction independent
Reduce oversized liquidity buffers
Liquidity testing and analysis in line with regulatory compliance