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Duplicates Detection of SWIFT/Any Messages
SWIFT Alliance Access™ Plug-in
SMART-Dup is an application that manages real and possible duplicates among both incoming and outgoing SWIFT messages.
The SMART-Dup Plug-in has been developed with the Alliance Development Kit and Oracle® database technology. SMART-Dup is also designed for any other types of traffic, such as domestic payments, remote clearing, bulk payments, etc.
Automatic detection of duplicate messages is necessary for any financial institution connected to the SWIFT network or any other interfaces to eliminate duplicate operations such as payments.
Duplicates can be either:
Real duplicate messages (exact copy of a previous message)
Possible duplicate messages (a formally different message but containing exactly the same financial data as a previous message, possibly leading to duplicate processing)
Field Definition and Search Criteria
Diversity of market practices makes duplicate message detection a very delicate operation. SWIFT message options may be used differently all over the world. Therefore, parameterisation is necessary to adapt the product to local practices. Furthermore, standards evolve and the ways messages are used change with time.
The great advantage of SMART-Dup is that duplicate messages detection is fully customisable.
SMART-Dup is delivered with a standard data dictionary with a definition, including appropriate financial fields, field and sub-field indicators of each SWIFT message. All message types, SWIFT or otherwise, in the application can be configured. You can then select which message types and which fields will be displayed in the duplicate management screen.
Specific messages can also be excluded from the duplicate checking process. You can choose which message types and which fields already parsed and mapped by SMART-Input are used as duplicate detection criteria.
You can specify the fields of the selected message type to be checked. When you select a message type from the pick list and a check level, the sections and the fields related to that type and that level are displayed in a data grid.
Several data formats are accepted by the application such as SWIFT, flat files (delimited and fixed format), XML, Excel and any other text format.
The main management screen contains the waiting duplicates messages that have to be controlled by the user. A duplicate message and its corresponding original are shown on the bottom of the screen once a row is selected from the data grid. A label above the duplicate text indicates if it is a possible or a real duplicate message.
Incoming messages stored in the _SI_from_SWIFT queue are processed by SMART-Dup, with messages successfully checked routed to their usual queues. Outgoing messages, whether manual or from applications, that are successfully checked by SMART-Dup will be sent to the _SI_to_SWIFT queue. Duplicates will then be sent to an exceptional queue.
When installing SMART-Dup, the standard rules for the IN and OUT routing points are adapted in order to automatically launch the duplicate check before further processing.
SMART-Dup duplicate checking is automatically launched each time a new financial message is received from, or sent to, the FIN network. It is based on a sophisticated algorithm that identifies efficiently real and potential duplicate. Trailing spaces and certain special characters are ignored during the comparison. The process checks intelligently on key fields and eventually message bodies to avoid false duplicates. The administrator can configure up to two levels of duplicate checks. According to the checking result, the messages are processed as usual or sent to the exception queue. Upon receipt of the result back from SMART-Dup, the plug-in attaches a new SWIFT "intervention" (trace) describing the new status of the message (successfully checked, real duplicate, possible duplicate, excluded type...). The user decides to either accept or reject the duplicate using his management screen. His action will be instantly executed by the plug-in. He may proceed further and display details of each message or transaction, to check if it is a real or a possible duplicate.
Field Definition and Search Criteria
The great advantage of SMART-Dup is that duplicate messages detection is fully customisable.
SMART-Dup is delivered with a standard data dictionary with a definition, including appropriate financial fields, field and sub-field indicators of each SWIFT message. All message types, SWIFT or otherwise, in the application can be configured. You can then select which message types and which fields will be displayed in the duplicate management screen.
Specific messages can also be excluded from the duplicate checking process. You can choose which message types and which fields already parsed and mapped by SMART-Input are used as duplicate detection criteria.
Several data formats are accepted by the application such as SWIFT, flat files (delimited and fixed format), XML, Excel and any other text format.
SMART-Dup – Benefits:
Reduction of manual effort to detect duplicate messages
User-friendly work queues and menus
"4 Eyes" verification process
Alerts on processes (po-up, emails)
Search parameters allowing you to easily find any information at any time
Complete range of Statistics & Reports for audit
Export to CSV, Excel & PDF and Printer
Minimal impact on the integration process into any environment
High security levels (profiles menu access, data access, etc.)
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