Intraday Liquidity Monitor & Reports
comply with the BCBS 248 paper

Swallowtech's Intraday Liquidity Monitor & Reports comply with the BCBS 248 paper
October 2016
SwallowTech have enhanced their Predict solution giving their users the ability to comply with the forthcoming regulatory reporting requirements. Their Intraday Liquidity Monitor enables users to actively manage all intraday liquidity positions under both normal and stressed conditions as defined by the user. Reports can be generated for internal and external use detailing min, max and average balances. Trend analysis can be carried out using the systems historical data, highlighting peaks and troughs, and identifying patterns that can be used to optimise future funding requirements.
SwallowTech's Predict cash management solution derives cash flow movements from transaction feeds it receives in a variety of standardised and proprietary formats and amalgamates this information with in-coming and outgoing SWIFT messages, providing a multi stage cash flow projection from predicted movement through to finality of receipt and a real time reconciliation. Front, Middle and Back Office have a global, consolidated real-time view of all cash and liquidity positions for both Actual and Forecast balances supporting optimal funding and lending opportunities.